What a fun and exciting start to the school year! It was wonderful to see all our students gathered in the commons for our traditional first-day photo. From athletes giving their all on the court and field to students eager to learn in the hallways, the energy on campus is truly uplifting. I’m especially grateful for how warmly our community has welcomed the many new faces this year, and with over 240 students, the enthusiasm is unmistakable. As we embark on this journey, we are thankful for God’s provision thus far and ask for your prayers and support. If you’re interested in being a part of our year, we welcome volunteers and substitute teachers to join us in nurturing our students’ growth. I look forward to seeing each of our students develop strong roots in their faith throughout the year ahead.
Attention – Parent Meeting Monday Sept. 9 at 2:30pm!
Join us for a Parent Meeting on September 9, 2024, at 2:30 PM in the FCS Commons. Each parent who attends raises $5 for the Eagle Nation Booster Club—just by showing up! No mattress sales required.
This quick meeting will share details about our upcoming mattress sale on October 5th and how you can help make it a success. The Booster Club funds athletics for all grades, supporting playground equipment, gym needs, sports gear, and more. See you Monday to help support our students!
Faith Christian School’s Athletic Boosters (Eagle Nation) is hosting their 1st Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser on Oct. 5, 10am-3pm and we need your help to spread the word! We earn $50 for every Twin sold, $75 for every Full, $100 for every Queen and $125 for every King sold. Personal invites are the best way to get people in the door that day. Please take every opportunity to share the event with people. See our Facebook Event, tag or email your friends and family, share with your church!
School Picture Day is Tuesday, September 10th
We’ve partnered with Kimberly Linden Photography, known for taking school photos outdoors to create a natural, relaxed atmosphere. This helps capture authentic smiles and provides a professional photography feel. However, living in the Midwest means weather can sometimes be unpredictable. If needed, photos will be taken indoors using a neutral grey backdrop, which enhances all skin tones and clothing colors beautifully. If you haven’t received an email from the photographer, please contact the school office.
Elementary Notes

Dates To Add To Your Calendar
- September 9: Pre-K First Day of School. Doors open at 7:45 am.
- September 10: Picture Day (See Flyer)
- September 20: Spiritual Formation Day
- September 28: Mission Trip Car Wash Fundraise
Reminders for the First Week of School
As we settle into the school year, we want to remind our elementary parents of a few important policies to help everything run smoothly.
- Please take a moment to review our Dress Code, found in the student handbook (Section 9.0, page 38), available in the Parent Portal under Resource Documents.
- Neatness: Pants that are not frayed or with holes. Tops with positive Christian messaging, especially FCS Spirit wear, are encouraged; tops that are neat and modest are acceptable.
- Modesty: No excessively tight clothing, no pajama pants. Skirts or dresses must reach the top of the knee. No visible cleavage or midriff. No undergarments showing. Any form-fitting pants or leggings, due to their tight nature, must be worn with a skirt, dress, or a top that extends to appropriate length. Practicality: For girls wearing dresses, it may be wise to layer with a shirt underneath for playground activities.
- We appreciate your help in ensuring our students dress appropriately and modestly.
To protect the health of our students and staff, please keep your child home if they are ill and require over-the-counter medication, such as Tylenol or Advil, to feel well enough to attend school. For more details, please refer to our full School Health Policy in the student handbook (Section 8.0, page 35) available in the Parent Portal.
For safety reasons, students should only enter your car from the passenger side. If your child needs to enter from another door (such as the driver’s side or rear door), please park in the lot to pick them up. Allowing students to cross through traffic to enter the car from the driver’s side creates a safety hazard.
Please ensure your child brings their own utensils if they are bringing lunch from home. We do not provide eating utensils for students who are not participating in the hot lunch program.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep our school safe and organized!

Chapel News
Every Wednesday morning that we’re in school, our Elementary students join together for chapel. They start by sharing short testimonies of how they’ve seen God at work, then they’ll take turns leading and singing worship songs, playing a game, learning a memory verse, and then experiencing a story from God’s word.
Last year in our Elementary Chapels, we started on a path to learn 104 bible stories in just three years. We continued that journey this week, as our students learned about the story of Esther. Esther had the chance to use how God had gifted her along with the opportunity that he presented to boldly stand up for her people in the face of their enemies. And, because of that, there was justice among her people.
Next week in chapel (on Sept 11th), we will introduce our students to the book of Job as our story will cover Job 1. We want our students to understand the Big Truth for the week, that says, “Even when bad things happen, we should trust and praise the Lord.” Grasping this complex yet beautiful concept can help us all to better understand that, through the help of God’s Spirit, we could all echo our weekly verse taken from Job’s words in Job 1:21 “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Join us Wednesdays at 8:05am for our Elementary Chapel!
Get Involved: Volunteer
At FCS, volunteering is a fantastic way to stay connected and set an example of servanthood for our students. Whether you have a little time or a lot, there are opportunities for everyone to make a difference, regardless of your schedule or skills. We invite parents, family, and friends to get involved!
Click the link below to see how you can help:

Maintenance Wish List
Now that we have a full-time Facilities Director in place, we’re excited to get our maintenance shop fully up and running. To keep our tools organized and ready for use, we’re in need of a functional tool chest. If you have one you’re willing to donate or are looking to part with, we’d be incredibly grateful for your support. Your generosity will help us keep our school in top shape! Please contact the school office if you can help. Thank you!
Eagle Athletics
Elevate the game. Elevate your teammates. Elevate the Lord.
- Tuesday 9/10 – Middle school soccer @ Delavan Christian @ 4 pm, Middle school volleyball @ Delavan Christian @ 5:15 pm
- Thursday 9/12 – HOME Middle school volleyball vs. WSD @ 4 pm
- Friday 9/13 – Middle school volleyball @ Oakhill Christian (games at UW- Whitewater Rock County) – B team @ 5 pm & A team @ 6:30 pm

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